29th March 2019 Treasury Forum in 2019 – 2019年3月29日 2019年财资论坛
by IACCT (China) & SWIFT
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29th March 2019 Treasury Forum in 2019
On 29th March 2019, IACCT (China) has organized a forum in Hilton Hotel in Shenzhen. Hong Kong Monetary Authority was the co-organizer. The topic was the incorporation of corporate treasury centre into the development of the Greater Bay Area and the optimization of financial management. Participants and guests of this forum came from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc, including senior management of financial conglomerates, that of corporate treasury and financial institutions.
First, IACCT (China) President Ms Gogo Ko delivered an opening speech in the beginning of the forum. She introduced the background of this forum and the meaningfulness of the key topics of this forum. The forum was divided into four sections: In the first section, Ms. Yip ChingChing, Sara, Senior Manager of External Department, Market Development Division of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, has shared about the recent development of Corporate Treasury Centre in Hong Kong. She has shared in particular the advantages of Hong Kong as an international financial centre and the incentives from the policies in Hong Kong. In the second section, the President of IACCT(China), Ms. Gogo Ko shared about the key considerations of financial management for corporate treasury centres in Hong Kong. In the third section, the Business Directors, Ms. Liu and Ms. Xu, of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) have introduced a series of latest methods related to the management of funds.
In the fourth section, corporates would from the panel discussion how the integration of the corporate treasury centre in Hong Kong with the development of the businesses in the Greater Bay Area. In this section, the discussions were engaged interactively. There were seven guests participating the discussions, including Ms. Sara Yip of Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Ms. Lu of CGNPC Huasheng Investment Ltd, Mr. Cheng, partner of Ernst & Young, Ms. Gogo Ko, President of IACCT (China), Mr. Alfred Yung, Events & Membership Committee Member of IACCT (China). The panel summarized the policies of the Greater Bay Area and the experience in the implementation of corporate treasury centre. There were active participations from the audience, with a lot of questions asked. The forum was concluded by closing remarks from Mr. Gu, Director of Corporate and Securities Department of SWIFT.
For further information about the forum, please click the [link] for the brochure of the event.
2019年3月29日 2019 年财资论坛
2019 年 3 月 29 日,由国企企业财资(中国)协会 (IACCT (China)) 主办、香港金融管理局协办的“香港企业财资中心配合粤港澳大湾区发展、优化财务管理”论坛在深圳• 大中华希尔顿酒店圆满举行。参加此次论坛的嘉宾来自于北京、上海、广州、深圳、 香港等地,包括集团财务公司的高级管理人员、企业财资高级管理人员和金融企业高 级管理人员等。
首先,国际企业财资(中国)协会会长高镛丽女士为论坛作了开幕致辞,介绍了本次 论坛的举办背景和论坛主题的深远意义。论坛内容分为四部分:第一部分由香港金融管理局外事部市场发展处的高级经理叶晶晶女士分享“香港企业财资中心(CTC)的 最新发展”,她主要讲解了香港作为国际金融中心的优势以及香港的政策优惠;第二 部分由国际企业财资(中国)协会会长高镛丽女士分享了“香港企业财资中心 (CTC) 财资管理”需考虑的因素;第三部分由环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)的企业客户 部商务总监刘瑶女士和徐珺女士介绍了 SWIFT 与集团资金管理的一系列话题;第四 部分内容为“香港金融管理局粤港澳大湾区和香港企业财资中心的融合”,该部分以互 动形式的专题讨论为亮点,参与讨论的 7 位嘉宾为:香港金融管理局外事部高级经理 叶晶晶女士、李炽霖先生、中广核华盛投资有限公司的现金管理主管卢竞女士、安永 会计师事务所香港税务及商务咨询合伙人郑杰燊先生、IACCT (China)会长高镛丽女 士、IACCT 活动及会员事务委员会委员翁宗兴先生,他们结合大湾区政策和企业的财 资中心实施经验以及相关税务问题进行了讨论,台下嘉宾也积极参与,提问互动。论 坛最后,由环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)企业及证券部总监辜文明先生为论坛作 结束致辞及综合总结。
在论坛中,各位嘉宾专业的演讲赢得了在场观众热烈的掌声。通过丰盛的午餐会及内 容丰富的讨论会,本次论坛为企业财资人员成功地搭建了深入交流的平台,也为计划 在香港设立财资中心的企业提供了实践经验。
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