Asian Financial Forum 2016 on the 18th to 19th January 2016 – 2016年1月18-19日 2016年亚洲金融论坛
by The Government of HKSAR and HKTDC
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Asian Financial Forum 2016 on the 18th to 19th January 2016
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) has organized the 9th Asian Financial Forum on the 18th to 19th January 2016 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. IACCT (China) fully supported this annual event. Ms. Gogo Ko, president of IACCT (China) and many professionals have participated in this event.
The main topic of this forum is “Asia, fabricating a new mode for development”. The forum has invited 90 guest speakers from different countries in the world who are business or political leaders. The event has attracted the participation of over 2800 finance officials and professionals.
Official website of the event:
2016年1月18-19日 2016年亚洲金融论坛
由香港贸易发展局(HKTDC)与亚洲金融论坛(AFF)策划委员会合办的第九届亚洲金融论坛于1 月 18- 19 日在湾仔香港会议展览中心隆重举行。国际企业财资(中国)协会(IACCT (China))会员及活动及会员事务委员会成员参与了此次活动。IACCT (China)会长高镛丽女士(Ms. Gogo Ko)会见了几位论坛的关键人员,交流了最新的金融趋势。
本届论坛的主题是“亚洲:塑造新的发展模式”,论坛邀请了超过 90 位来自世界各地的重量级政商领袖担任主讲嘉宾,吸引了来自 38 个国家及地区的超过 2,800 名金融业专才、企业管理层、专业投资者及高资产人士参与。现场妙语连珠,讲者及与会者的交流,并发出不少独到观点。
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