IACCT (China): ACT Festival of Treasury Transformation 2020

IACCT (China): ACT Festival of Treasury Transformation 2020

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Building on the success of the fully virtual International Treasury Week event in May, with 3,400 attendees from 80 countries, the global treasury and finance associations are delighted to support the Association of Corporate Treasurers (“ACT”) again on a new online event, Festival of Treasury Transformation, 13-16 July, following the same live and interactive format enjoyed by many. Supporting this event are international treasury associations including International Association of CFOs and Corporate Treasurers (China) (“IACCT (China”) in Asia, European Association of Corporate Treasurers, International Capital Market Association and International Group of Treasury Associations (all in Europe) and National Association of Corporate Treasurers in the US and other professional associations including ACCA.

Event Details

Event: Festival of Treasury Transformation

Date: 13 – 16 July, 2020

Time: 10:00AM – 6:00 PM British Summer Time;
5:00PM – 1:00AM HK Time

Location: Online

Language: English

For the detailed agenda, please click one of the following links:

[Google Link]: https://bit.ly/2YBcuSV

[Flickr Link]: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmNM5uiQ

Energise. Innovate. Accelerate.

The COVID-19 situation is accelerating the pace of transformational change within treasury departments, and so this event will focus on both developments in treasury technology but also the wider transformation in terms of people, working attitudes and priorities worldwide.

Treasury is rooted in physical practices, yet the transformation to a digital world is ongoing, with innovative new technologies causing radical change to systems. But transformation goes beyond treasury technology – it’s as much about changing working environments and attitudes that will alter the treasury of the future.

Splitting between the strategic and the operational, topics to be discussed by key speakers throughout the four days of the Festival of Treasury Transformation include: 

– what are the key priorities for treasurers now, and what has changed over the last months?  Is there a ‘new normal’ forming?

– what has the impact of COVID-19 been on ESG and diversity & inclusion?

– what are the working ‘myths’ that have been busted?

– how prepared/robust is treasury in terms of the next crisis?

– the optimisation of current systems vs. the implementation of large strategic projects

– the changing working environment and the role of technology 

– new and innovative solutions coming from the fintech ecosystem

All of these topics will be covered via a focussed mix of keynotes, roundtables and TechTalk-style presentations, all in a virtual live setting. All sessions of the event would be recorded and would be available for watching again only for registered delegates.

Supported by

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship


European Association of Corporate Treasurers

International Association of CFOs and Corporate Treasurers (China)

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

International Capital Market Association

International Group of Treasury Association

National Association of Corporate Treasurers (US)

Additional Details

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Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2020-07-13 17:00 to
2020-07-16 23:30

Registration End Date




Event Category

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