Real Estate visit in the Greater Bay Area on 31st July 2018 – 2018年7月31日大湾区房地产考察
by Asian Real Estate Association
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Real estate visit in the Greater Bay Area on 31st July 2018
The Greater Bay Area has become a keyword in the political and business domain in Hong Kong for the future development outlook. The key to the Greater Bay Area strategy is integration, there is a need for commodity, integration of service and also the free flow of manpower and information. Members of IACCT (China) have participated in the event organized by the Asian Real Estate Association. The topic of the event was “the real estate visit in the Greater Bay Area, the crossover of traditions and technology”, with visits to real estates in the Nanshan and Shenkou areas of Shenzhen.
在经济发展、国际协作、香港优势、企业需求的背景下,粤港澳大湾区最近一年成为香港政商界描绘未来发展前景的关键词,粤港澳大湾区战略以“融合”为宗旨,不仅要求商品、服务互通,还强调人才与信息的自由流动。国际企业财资(中国)协会(IACCT(China))于 2018年7月31日(星期二)组织会员参加了由亚洲房地产科技协会主办的”大湾区房地产考察 : 传统与科技的火花”活动,对深圳南山区蛇口的房地产进行了考察和研讨,并对相关企业进行了拜访。
本次活动上午参观了招商地产在蛇口之地产项目,了解了大湾区的最新发展。中午出席午餐研讨会,由房产区块链创办人分享了亚洲最新的房地产科技 (PropTech) 发展以及区块链在大湾区房地产应用。下午前往房讯通考察,由公司演示其自行开发的自动估价系统并讲解其应用。
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