ACT Qualifications in Treasury

IACCT (China) fully supports and endorses the qualifications and training offered by The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT). Together we strive to raise the profile of the profession, share best practice and ensure growth within the profession to the benefits of all.

ACT offer two main pathways in their qualifications: Treasury Qualifications and Cash Management Qualifications.

For details of ACT’s qualifications, please access to the following page:

We have experience in taking ACT’s official training system, preparing and sitting for the ACT’s examinations. IACCT members are eligible to receive a 10% discount off the learning materials for ACT qualifications and free student membership.

Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us.


国际企业财资(中国)协会全力支持和认可英国The Association of Corporate TreasurersACT)的证书考试和培训。我们共同努力去提升财资专业的认受性、分享行业最佳实践和确保财资专业界别的增长。


